Thursday, June 15, 2006

yesterday's lunch

Baby greens (Black-seeded simpson & merveille des quatres saisons) with mini-mozarella balls, bresaola (the store was out of prosciutto), and a balsamic vinagrette....eaten outside in the garden.

Today's lunch was similar, except without the fancy meat -- because A sat down and ate the whole damned package as a snack (he was supposed to be feeding a little bit to his sister). 'What, you couldn't even save me two pieces to put on my salad?' I said. 'Well, C threw some of hers on the floor, you could eat that', he said. What a nice kid he is, eh? I swear to God, i will have to think up some appropriate punishment...ideas?

(i think he was really kidding about eating the stuff on the floor, but i did eat it -- that meat is too expensive to waste...and a little dirt never hurt anyone anyway...)

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Did you at least follow the ten second rule? :o)