i go away for a week and the whole place goes to hell in a handbasketand this is the after picture. After some hours of weeding, that is. Not enough. You see i still need to go back and tie up the tomatoes some more, before i leave town again. This summer travelling stuff is not really a good idea for gardeners i guess. And don't even ask about the state of the grass!!
Lots of tomatoes though....
I hope some of them will be ripe next week when Catherine comes to visit. Maybe that is asking too much, but i think it would be nice. Or we can always make fried green tomatoes...
Bush beans? These are supposed to be bush beans? Looks like someone messed that up...i will have to stake these too.
The cucumbers are growing well. The melon vines are growing but more slowly, i don't think i will have melons this year. I should have started them inside...
Also the eggplants have set some teeny tiny fruits! But i forgot to take a picture. Next time...
This is just another gratuitously cute picture. Though there are some vegetable plants in the background.
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