Saturday, July 19, 2008


I knew i didn't have the space to grow pumpkins. So then why on earth did i plant them??? And not one plant even but two. Actually i know why i planted two -- the seeds weren't germinating well, i think i actually planted 3-4. But i was supposed to cull, and i didn't...i went to visit my mother instead. So now the whole space alloted is already completely taken up by these two already huge plants.

I know i will have to kill one. I hate to do it. It seems so evil. Why didn't i pull it up when it was little, somehow that seems so much less destructive. Oy, i have to learn to be more hard-hearted towards plants.

I am leaning toward letting them take over the lawn, which is nothing but weeds (and a play structure) there anyway. But i think dh would be very unhappy about that. He likes things neat. I wonder how he ended up with me?

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