kate's tomato tastings 2007
If you recall, i was too busy being pregnant to actually start seeds, so i got all these from a local plant sale. The twins arrived safely and now i am too busy being mommy to actually weed the garden. However in the intervening time i was able to throw some plants in the ground and eat some tomatoes. Here are my (albeit brief) impressions:
-Arkansas Traveler. My hubby picked the first one of these and i didn't believe him when he said it came from our garden -- it looked like a storebought one. They are about the size of a peach and perfect perfect perfect looking red tomatoes. The taste is kind of average though, i wasn't impressed. Probably be a good tomato to sell or something, but i like a tomato with some kick.
-Aunt Ginny's Purple -- not much kick here either, and the plant wasn't very prolific. Another average one.
-Aunt Ruby's German Green -- OH MY GOD I LOVE IT. This is my favorite this year, i will have to find where to buy the seeds. These are huge and flavorful and there are alot of them. They really are green when they are ripe, though, so you have to keep checking and feeling them. They look lovely in a tomato salad or as pasta fresca. Here are some pictures:
-Black from Tula -- another good one. This one almost made up for the fact that i didn't have any Cherokee Purple this year. Prolific and tasty.
-Great White -- another good one! OK, all the good ones are together in the list. A big tasty sweet yellow one! It is now my favorite yellow tomato. Well, ok, 'white', but can i say in the yellow family? I will grow it again and again and again and again....the pic is of Great White & Black from Tula.
-Mortgage Lifter -- this plant got choked out by weeds so i got nothin'. Dommage....
-Paul Robeson -- the squirrels love it. I had one not-quite-ripe tomato from this plant, that i managed to pick first. I did not think it was as good as 'Black from Tula' but it is hard to compare....simply not enough data. Maybe it just wasn't ripe enough. Thieving bastards. I swear one day i am going to get a gun.
-Persimmon -- not sure what happened here. Partly the plant was choked by weeds.... but i did get some tomatoes. They were kind of hard & leathery, and didn't taste very good. Looks pretty chopped up with others though. I think something went wrong, i don't think it was the fault of the variety.
-Yellow Pear -- was mismarked & was in fact Red Currant (or some related variety). Well, screw that. The squirrels liked these too, and they are welcome to them. I mean, they are cute as a salad garnish but other than that i don't have a lot of use for currant tomatoes.
My garden, though, is chock full of them -- the 'White Currant' from last year seeded themselves with a vengeance. I didn't quite manage to pull them out and as a result they are everywhere. Which is in fact kind of convenient, because i have plenty of tomatoes to give away and i didn't do anything to get them. Saves face, somehow.
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