i did plant veggies after all
Here is a lousy picture, i mean i could explain the thing of the leaves-as-mulch and all that, but i will keep that for another time. I will try to get better pics soon. None of the seeds have germinated yet so there is nothing to really see, except some tomato plants and whatever is left over from last year.
I got some heirloom tomato plants (9 in total) from a local plant sale, i will have to look up what i got because i don't even remember. It was not what i planned to get.
So what is in there?
-Those tomato plants and a bunch of volunteer tomatoes from last year. We will see what actually comes of it.
-Leeks from last year (they are getting kind of fat finally).
-Beets (mix of three kinds, will list later...they were planted too late though)
-Rainbow Chard (ditto on planted too late, i guess we will just eat the baby greens)
-Lettuce -- merveille des quatres saisons & black-seeded simpson, like last year, also planted too late. But actually we have some volunteers from last year that we are currently eating at dinnertime
-Arugula volunteers from last year
-bush beans, royalty purple pod
-cucumbers, white wonder
-summer squash, blend of 7 varieties, will find & list later
-basil, sweet genovese
-dill, i forget which variety
-silver thyme & greek oregano plants
-some sunflower volunteers
-flowers for cutting -- cosmos (seashells blend) and zinnias (state fair mix)
-marigolds, for keeping off the bugs. This year i got a flat of the orange two-toned ones, called 'disco queen'...just to be different from last year.
Nothing is planted in the center oval, just some marigolds, because C loves to fill the birdfeeder & watch the birds. So we will keep the shepard's crook which refuses to stand straight and the tiny birdfeeder there (so she can fill it every day! Oh the fun!)
How am i going to keep this garden from getting away from me, when twin boys arrive in three weeks (knock on wood)? I won't, it is not possible. But my neighbors needled me until i planted veggies, because they want enough to share, and promised to help with the watering & weeding. So, when it all goes to hell, i can blame somebody else, and that's really the most important thing.
Edited to add -- if anyone actually reads this anymore, i should answer the question that will undoubtedly be asked: how do you plant a garden when you are 34 weeks pregnant with twins, and thus cannot bend down? The answer is you crawl around a lot, and hope noone is watching you. You may laugh, but it works...
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