Friday, September 15, 2006


A few days ago:


Look at this mess!

I noticed this as i was leaving for work this morning, and when i came back in the afternoon i thought i would take a picture of the damage and spend some time speculating as to the culprit. However, when i went back there to take the picture, the identity of the culprit was immediately clear.

The damned things don't even run away anymore when they see me coming. They just saunter, slowly, because their bellies are so full that they can't actually move fast. It is really irrirating. I am going to have to break the squirrel trap out again, and trap them all before the cold weather comes and they take refuge in the attic. Yuck, what a chore. And sorry, Catherine, i was going to send you some sunflower seeds but i think they ate them all.

Perhaps i will take up my neighbor on his offer and just borrow his pellet gun...


Catherine said... can't be too mad at them...they are kinda cute.

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Very cute...and black ones too!
We have NO squirrels here on "the prairie". when we lived in town, we had so many of them, it was crazy! And during mating season they were psycho! But since moving 5 years ago, we have NONE. Kinda miss the little buggers. Kinda.