Turkish eggplants
Tonight, the dh was grilling, so i picked the most orange of the 'Turkish Orange' eggplants for dinner. They are still the size of golfballs or, well, eggs. They never got any bigger. Here they are on the plant and on the table
and in the pan ready for cooking.
What he does is put the vegetable in the iron pan, drizzle with olive oil and salt, and put it on the grill. Some magic happens which i cannot reproduce (one time A & i tried to turn on the grill when the dh was away, and managed only to make a fireball which burned A's eyebrows off. So i won't touch the damned thing now.) and we have grilled eggplant for dinner:
We have yet to find the vegetable that is not good prepared this way. Broccoli, for example, is completely scrumptious. These eggplants were overall good, but one piece was very bitter and unpleasant. So it must depend greatly on 'how' ripe they are. Of course they all look equally ripe to me so it is a crapshoot, really.
C didn't like them at ALL and demanded steak and potatoes instead.
I LOVE eggplant, but have never had your variety. Mine have always been the long , purple ones. I brush slices with olive oil then grill. Oh my goodness! As I get older, I like some of the most unusual things. A few years ago, I would not have known what to do with an eggplant!
P.S. I, also, am a Michigander....Allendale, just west of Grand Rapids.
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