Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I was looking back through things here -- last year of course is a wash, what with the birth of the twins. But the year before i do have things documented nicely enough. I found that by this point in the year, i already had beans, cukes, and even the occasional tomato.

This year, i have none of those things. I did plant them, and they are sprouted but no food yet. So far all i have this year is (bolting) lettuce and zucchinis. And those damned marigolds which i swear are taking over the place.

The squirrels are starting to steal my tomatoes, too, even though they are still green. I found a half-chewed green tomato on the steps this morning. See, not only are they stealing them, they are rubbing it in my face. I really have to get a gun.

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