This is a lousy picture because i took it out of the back bathroom window as C got ready for bed, but i put it here as proof that at one point in the summer the garden was actually *weeded*. In fact i weeded two Sundays in a row. This is big.
I have not posted here this summer. I have been working in the veggie garden but i have not been happy about it. The raised beds were nearly gone after last year, so they not only needed to be weeded, but also redug, reshaped, and have compost added. Which doesn't sound so bad but somehow it took me, like, weeks. I swear. I don't know *why* it took so long -- i actually stayed home from work for a few days to do it and it *still* didn't get completed.
Somehow it seems like this vegetable garden is a full-time job. Well, i already have one of those, or two if you count the kids. I am doing my best to keep it up this year but i am considering just plowing the whole damn thing under next year. I hate it when it gets away from me and is a total mess. My husband hates it. I hate my husband. (no, not really, just sometimes).
On the other hand, for the kids, i do think it is really good to grow vegetables. Especially when they are growing up in the city -- they have so little connection to the land. The twins, at a year old, have never even seen a cow. That's pretty crazy, huh? We don't get out much. Next week we are going to visit family in PA and they will surely see some cows there. My mother will think i am insane -- "let's go look at some cows!"
So i am torn about it, really. We will see how it goes this year. Weeding two weekends in a row is promising...i hope i can keep it up.